Sunday, July 11, 2010

PLein de nouvelles d'un coup : et BIM !

Quite a lot of things happened lately, and I will try to summarize the events :
Arnaud & Lydie advertised us this dance party in cambridge. It was a friday night and they blocked one part of Mass av. There were tons of people dancing there on a pretty nice sound by the way, still not european dj level, but not too bad. The street was really crowded, and if you were not interrested into intense physical contact, you had to avoid the middle of the street.
We really had a good time for 30 minutes, until the american "couvre feux" which corresponds more or less to the "intense fun hour" in southern europe. We desperately tried to get some beers to (illegally) drink outside but the liqor sotore wer closing seconds before we could reach them (maybe they have people surveilling : "watch out ! some european who are going to drink in the streets, close the store, QUICK !" ).

De Boston 2010

Anyways, we ended up in a nice looking place : Lord Hobo which provided us with the worse cocktails ever. The type of cocktails you prepare at 3am when you feel like it's gonna be a revolution, and actually the revolution only takes place in your stomach. As we are brave, we also tried their beer selection to find out that they can also fid the worse beers in the world. Adi had the opportunity to try a blond beer which I swear, was a dark as the Charles river, and tasted as good I guess.
We had a very nice time there tough and tried our art capacities with Adi's camera.

De Boston 2010

La cuisine ! Je retrouve peu a peu des ingrédients familier que j'essaye de combiner avec des ingrédients locaux. J'ai donc trouvé des pois cassés, et ai remplacé les lardons par un bon bout de bacon. J'ai aussi trouvé de minuscules patates violettes au marché avec Amelia et son copain. Le résultat était assez bon pour me mettre dans l'impossibilité d'avoir des contacts sociaux dans l'après midi suivant la digestion de la purée (non non, c'est normal avec la puree de pois cassés, c'est bon signe)...

De Boston 2010

De Boston 2010

Sarah m'a aussi filé sa recette de cheesecake que je tente de calibrer. Le gateau est décidement tres bon mais toujours un poil lourd. Enfin, Tim et mes voisins le trouvent délicieux et ça me suffit.

De Boston 2010

De Boston 2010

Autrement, nous avons aussi eu notre première Lobster party (homards party), nous avons tenté les lobster au four avec Nico, et le résultat était plutôt satisfaisant (je dirais même plus excellent). Nous avons assuré au cas ou nous merderions les lobster au four avec quelques lobsters au bouillon.
Nous allons cuisiner des crepes pour l'anniversaire de Giulia... humm !

We have also had the NAMIC conference lately. The principle is very simple, put some computer jedis together in a room, feed them, and ask them to work... and it works ! Th event took place in the Stata center, a weird building of the MIT which is really fascinating, inside and outside.
I was really impressed by the amount of french, I would say 30%, cocorrico ! But very few of them work for french lab... (who said money issue ?)
It was really intense, we could start developing collaboration in the domain of microscopy imaging.

Le week end du 4 juillet aurait pu être sympa, cependant un événement m'a plombé le moral, et je commence a m'en remettre. Nous avons vu le feux d'artifice, en bon américains, j'ai cependant passé mon tour sur l'après midi de glandouille dans la foule pour la troquer contre un aprem dans Cambridge a faire visiter a Paolo, un pote a Giulia, le campus de Harvard.

Ahhh.. attends, ahh oui je suis crevé c'est ca, a plus !

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