Monday, June 7, 2010

Hiking in White Mountains

I am having quite heavy weeks, so that I try to take a real brake during weekends.

A Thursday evening, I was done with my daily work around 8:00pm, and while going down the stairs, I reconized a phd student from the retreat. He was having a drink to Celebrate Anna's graduation. I couldn't resist, and accepted the invite. I ended up in a very nice bar drink what should have been absinthe, but it tasted more like a simple pastis.
While speaking, Anna invited me to hike in the whit mountains the following weekend. Once again, some fresh air never hurts. I accepted, even though I had no sleeping bag, backpack or any appropriate shoes for sports. I ended up buying all the stuff a few hours before leaving, on friday.
I want there with Neith, who is also a phd student , and some friend of him. We had a very nice trip to New Hampshire, listening to some international tubes (Santana, NOFX, Sublime)...
We arrived in the park ways to late to climb the mountain, so that we ended up sleeping in a motel room (5 in 2 person motel room, classical). The motel was special, I would recommend it to any shinning fan, as the setup is unbelievably scary : we had the labyrinthian corridors, with the repetitive carpet and wallpaper. Combined with lots of stuffed animals (sometinme just half of them) appearing from the walls.

De Boston 2010

De Boston 2010

We woke up early and climbed the first summit to the chalet. Dropped some stuff, and kept on going from summit to summit, staying on the tip of the mountain chain. We had a beautiful view on both sides.

De Boston 2010

De Boston 2010

We kept on going and reached the Mt Washington in the middle of the afternoon. We stopped next to a refuge and as we were desperately seeking for water, some very nice guy soon to be studying in Berkley (Cal) gave us some iodine pills so that we could refill with the river running nearby.

De Boston 2010

De Boston 2010

We met the other Harvard people who left the day before, on the way back. I stopped there to enjoy Amelia's delicious cake, and we came back "trankillou".
We arrived at the chalet around 6pm, and I realized that I had left my food somewhere in the mountains. Eventually, I have seen some guys enjoying part of my belongings during the diner. But no worries, I had all my very ice vegetarian friends who offered me tons of... actually awesome food !

De Boston 2010

We had a nice diner, And I spent the evening with Neith and Andy (a friend of Amelia, who is marine biologist). We were listening to the tales of Andy while enjoying a very nice whisky, and the evening couldn't have been better.

De Boston 2010

De Boston 2010

After a very good night, we have had some breakfast with the whole group, and started going down the mountain... tricky, actually that was so tricky that we ended up climbing another mountain ! We were back at the parking area around 3pm, and went in a local brewery to enjoy some nice full of fat american food. I have had some pulled pork, and I must say, thank you texas for this catastrophically awesome dish !
That was it, I don't know how i managed to feel great on monday, even though my knees were broken, and my foot were hurting. Sincerely, I can't wait to go hiking again ! I have all the stuff now, and I should manage to make some time for it.

De Boston 2010

1 comment:

Ame said...

ca va, c'est pas trop dur de "bosser dur" selon toto...

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